Phi Morlock has a professional background in wildlife biology, environmental outdoor education, criminal law enforcement, and TV and print journalism. He is also the Government Affairs Chair for the CSIA and CNSF, sits on the board of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF), and is an Honorary Member of the Parliamentary Outdoor Caucus.
In his role as Vice-President of Government Affairs/Advocacy for Shimano, he worked with politicians, the outdoor industry and fish and wildlife groups to help fight the many threats to traditional outdoor activities.
Hear Phil’s take on the state of fishing in Canada in his new series “Out in the Open.”
Out in the Open Episode 4: Fishing is Good for Mental Health
If there’s one thing Phil wants to encourage Canadians to do to help their mental wellbeing, it’s to go fishing. Fishing means time spent in nature. It’s an opportunity to provide food for yourself. And it’s a chance to relax – either alone or with loved ones.
Out in the Open Episode 3: Your Vote Matters
This election cycle is one of the most important in recent memory with regard to the future of outdoor recreation users. Pay attention to what your candidate says. Where do they stand on the issues? What is the party platform on the things that matter to you, to your friends and to your family? Make it personal, because it very much is. There are millions of us in this country who participate in outdoor activities. Remember to vote on September 20th. We fish. We hunt. We vote.
Out in the Open Episode 2: In Just a Few Decades, 50% of Canada’s Natural Resources Could Be Off-Limits.
If you enjoy hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, riding ATVs or mountain bike trails and a variety of other outdoor activities, you want to pay close attention. 25% of Canada’s lands and waters will be “protected” by 2025, and the goal is 50% by 2050. But the question is: protected from what, how, and for how long? Canada’s wealth of natural resources are the result of proven, science-based methods. The North American model of conservation is a set of principles which, when applied, has led to unprecedented success in restoring, managing and sustaining fish and wildlife habitat and species diversity. No other continent in the world can claim such a long term list of conservation accomplishments.
Out in the Open Episode 1: Does the Canadian Government Think We’re the Criminals?
Common threats to trapping, hunting, target shooting and fishing are all based on false images. These were first created by international animal rights and anti-use organizations, and have been adopted by Canada’s federal agencies. If you were to go to the Government of Canada public safety website, canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/campaigns/firearms, you would see a tagline that says “Reducing Gun Violence Together.” It features two photos. The visual impression is unmistakable. The government of Canada wants you to believe the people who hunt and target shoot are responsible for the criminal use of guns and gun violence. It’s an outrageous and absurd lie, but it shows how extreme the attack on outdoor heritage activities, including fishing, has become.