Fishing During Covid-19: A Code of Conduct for Canadian Anglers

    We realize things are difficult right now due to the health fears related to Covid-19. Canadian anglers are also faced with financial worries, fishing access closures, and recommendations to "stay [...]

      Covid-19 and Fishing as an Essential Service: Letter from CSIA President Kim Rhodes

      I hope that you, your loved ones and your colleagues are well. We are living in unprecedented times. As an industry, I believe we need to support the war against [...]

        6 Questions for Minister Wilkinson About Salmon Closures in British Columbia

        The most restrictive fishing closures in 23 years were issued in May 2019 by Minister Wilkinson. The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson is the current Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian [...]

          3 Things You Shouldn’t Believe About Recreational Fishing

          1. Anglers aren’t conservationists Anglers were some of the first conservationists. They recognize the importance of a healthy environment and the survival of all aquatic life, including Southern Resident Killer [...]

            Re: Point Pelee National Park region National Marine Conservation Area (NMCA) feasibility study

            September 24, 2018 Hon. Catherine McKenna Minister, Environment and Climate Change House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Dear Minister McKenna, Re: Point Pelee National Park region National Marine Conservation [...]

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