Originally published by VCOM Local News Now, May 7th, 2018

New for Salmon anglers in Newfoundland and Labrador this spring: a one fish retention limit.

The season will begin in Newfoundland on June 1, and runs to September 7. The season in Labrador begins June 15, and runs to September 15.

DFO has announced a one-fish retention plan on all rivers in Newfoundland and Labrador that currently allow retention. Those taking part will need one tag for that catch.

An in-season review will be done on the number of returns, and the results will allow DFO to make a determination for the remainder of the season.

There will also be a catch and release option for up to three fish per day for all rivers in the province.

DFO says the 2018-2019 Angler’s Guide will soon be available online at http://www.nfl.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/NL/AG/anglersguide.

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