Originally written for and published by Cottage Country Lifestyle Magazine

The past two years have been fraught with worry and isolation for many Canadians. Luckily Cottage Country offers boundless opportunities to find solace. National Fishing Week, July 2 to 10, is the perfect opportunity to get outdoors, reconnect with loved ones, and boost physical and mental wellbeing.

Research has shown that fishing has a positive impact on our health, lowering cortisol levels, reducing stress, and boosting our immune systems. In fact, a 2018 study found that spending time in nature reduces the risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stress, and high blood pressure. It’s truly an easy and affordable way to improve our wellbeing.

While fishing is a gentle way to get a full-body workout, there are more subtle reasons for these benefits. Simply being on the water has an uplifting effect on one’s mood.

Furthermore, casting a line immediately facilitates a sense calm and can even lead to a meditative state of mind. And if you’re fishing with loved ones, it’s a wonderful way to reconnect and foster lasting relationships.

Cottage Country is blessed with over 5000 lakes, and that’s not counting streams, rivers, and other bodies of water. Countless tackle shops and local fishing retailers are also scattered throughout the region, where you can find affordable equipment for beginners and experts. It’s one of the easiest places to discover the benefits of recreational fishing. Hopefully we’ll see you out on the water!

National Fishing Week, July 2 to 10, is an annual event designed to encourage Canadians to cast a line. If you’re new to fishing, or need a few tips to get started, you can request a free Catch Fishing booklet at www.catchfishing.com. National Fishing Week also falls in line with Ontario Family Fishing Events, when Canadian residents can fish without a licence (all other regulations still apply). In the summer of 2022, two licence-free periods will be held on June 18 to 19 and July 2 to 10.